Scratched an itch, built an rss generator
Remember when I said on 2021-05-20 that transferring my site over to the 100r build system that it would be a weekend project? hahaha, good times, that was. Now, I am perfectly happy with what it does, but it didn't generate an RSS feed, and I am simply too lazy to go and write RSS by hand. So, in light of that, I did what any sane person would do, spend two weeks writing a script to automate doing that for me!
It's surprisingly very good, though my initial attempts at writing it in ANSI C didn't pan out as well as I'd hoped. I spent hammering away at that for 90% of those two weeks. Then, for shits and giggles, I turned around and decided to write it in scheme, and it got finished in two days.
Note to self : In text processing, always try it with lisp/scheme first before implementing it in C.
With the RSS feed generation being automated, I can now completely replace my Hugo-based blog with this one!