Bash Aliases
These are a collection of small commands to be set up on a .bashrc
file to be loaded whenever one starts a new bash shell. This will also
include some other commands that are better left in its own shell
script, but are included here because they are similarly as brief.
alias mpv-yt="mpv --ytdl-format=mp4"
Requires both MPV and Youtube-DL(P)[^1]
Plays a given video in an MPV window in MP4, the video format that I've observed to have the least instances of audio/video desynch.
alias yt-music="yt-dlp -x --audio-format=wav"
Requires YT-DLP.[^1]
Download only the audio of the given youtube video as wav
Credit to @tendigits for sharing this.
[^1]: yt-dlp is a maintained fork of youtube-dl