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Character Generation

High Concept

Fill in the blanks below:

I am <character name>, a <occupation> and I am known for my <highest ability score>, and have decided to begin hunting because of <motivation>.

  1. Character name is self-explanatory.

  2. Occupations give your character access to skills that are otherwise inaccessible to their class as well as affect their Supply/Wealth modifier.

  3. Your character’s highest ability score determines what their base class is:

    You may also take liberties in how this is written, like: “being the strongest man in town (Str)” or “being really good at making poisons (Int)”. Rolling for ability scores won’t happen until the next phase, of course. It just helps that one has a clear idea about what kind of character they want to play.

  4. Describe in a short phrase what your character’s driving motivation is. Something along the lines of “because I was bored” or “Monsters killed my family, and now I want revenge”

Roll for (or choose) Ability Scores

A player has two choices: they may either roll 2d6+6 six times and assign the results to their Abilities, or, they may refer to the standard array below and use that to assign scores in the place of a risky set of dice rolls.

[9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]

After that, we determine the Ability modifier, the bonus or penalty applied to skill rolls. Fractions are round down.

(Ability / 2) - 5 Modifier
08 ………….. -1
09 ………….. -1
10 ………….. +0
11 ………….. +0
12 ………….. +1
13 ………….. +1
14 ………….. +2
15 ………….. +2
16 ………….. +3
17 ………….. +3
18 ………….. +4

Apply any relevant age modifiers. Age doesn't necessarily work the way they do in the real world. Take this chance to make your characters interesting.

Choose and assign skill points

Class Skill Point per Lvl
Strong Hero 3 + Int Mod
Fast Hero 5 + Int Mod
Tough Hero 3 + Int Mod
Smart Hero 9 + Int Mod
Dedicated Hero 5 + Int Mod
Charismatic Hero 7 + Int Mod

At first level, each character gets x4 their normal skill points as their initial skill point pool. It is recommended they first determine what their occupation skills first, and then choose from their relevant class skills next, and then start assigning points.

The maximum skill points one may assign to a given class or occupation skill is their level + 3.

Choose Feats and Talents

Feats are character features that allow them to do things beyond what the regular mechanics allow. Talents are non-magical special moves that a given character of a certain class can do. See the links above for the different basic classes.

At level one, each character gets to choose two feats (assuming they achieve the feat’s prerequisites), and a talent.

Secondary Scores

The rest of the scores one needs to play, Hit Points, Attack Bonus, and Defense Bonuses are termined by the base class you’ve chosen.

About Hit Points

Hit Points are detemined by your Hit Die, the dice assigned for the Hit Points of any given class. One may either choose to roll their Hit Dice times their level, or choose an average value below:

Class Hit Dice Average
Strong Hero d8/lvl 4 hp/lvl
Fast Hero d8/lvl 4 hp/lvl
Tough Hero d10/lvl 5 hp/lvl
Smart Hero d6/lvl 3 hp/lvl
Dedicated Hero d6/lvl 3 hp/lvl
Charismatic Hero d6/lvl 3 hp/lvl

If the player wants to take risks with the possibility of getting a higher score, then they are free to roll their hit dice every level. The more cautious player may also instead add the average Hit Points to their current total.


Your character’s motivation for hunting is an allegiance. One may pick up to two more and automatically roll with Advantage on social skills related to their allegiances.