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Eightfold Path

In Buddhist Philosophy, the Eightfold Path is a framework for developing the mind of a monk or nun, (*bhikku* or *bhikkuni* in Sanskrit) to overcome Suffering and its cause, Desire .

It is divided into three categories:

Right Speech
Abstaining from lying
Abstaining from divisive speech
Abstaining from abusive speech
Abstaining from idle chatter.
Right Action
Abstaining from killing
Abstaining from sexual misconduct
Abstaining from stealing
Right Livelihood
Abstaining from living off of soothsaying
Abstaining from living off of environmental destruction
Abstaining from living off of the suffering of sentient creatures.
Right Concentration
One-pointedness of mind
The concentration of the mind's awareness on a single stimulus without being absorbed by it (meditation)
Right Mindfulness
Paying close attention to body-sensations
Paying close attention to mental sensations (thoughts)
Paying close attention to the underlying reality of all the above
Right Effort
Encouraging the growth of healthy states of mind
Discouraging the growth of unhealthy states of mind
Right Worldview
On a personal level, the understanding of how our actions, individually and collectively, affects others and society at large.
On a spiritual level, innate understanding of Fundamental Reality as a result of the above.
Right Intention
Personal resolve to achieve wisdom as above
Personal resolve to minimize suffering of sentient beings