Noun. Creator of the physical world and its emergent
psychic/mental world. Co-prisoner in
Traditionally equated with the Old Testament God.
Called "The Blind and Idiot God", as it is just as, if not
deeper into, the illusion of the world
as the rest of us sentient beings, despite the amount of time it had
and the power it has.
- Divine Spark
Noun. Am infinitesimal fraction of the Infinite/God/The Tao/etc
found within all sentient beings.
Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold,
the kingdom of God is within you.
Luke 17:21
In contrast to the Demiurge, a creature which is also subject
to the marks of existence, there is a part of us that is eternal, pure
and free.
- Sophia
- Shekinah
Noun. A presence or manifestation of the True and Infinite God
within the world, a crack in the prison the Demiurge built.
Usually equated to the Christian concept of "The Holy Spirit"