The Memex
The term "Memex" may refer to:
the name of the hypothetical electromechanical device that Vannevar Bush described in his 1945 article "As We May Think". Bush envisioned the memex as a device in which individuals would compress and store all of their books, records, and communications, "mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility". The individual was supposed to use the memex as automatic personal filing system, making the memex "an enlarged intimate supplement to his memory"
or the modern digital equivalent used for the same purpose of storing, collating and analyzing past experiences and one's knowledge of places, objects and ideas. A combination blog and wiki. It is not uncommon to see examples where its use presents the "blog" portion of the memex to be date-bound and listed in reverse-chronological order (as a feed), while the wiki is arranged by topic. This page will use this latter definition when referring to "memex".
In the tradition of the old craftspeople's guilds and of more modern gatherings of like-minded individuals like in Merveilles , Novo Atlantis (dead link) and other places real and fictional, people are encouraged to have a measure of self-suffiency by way of incrementally building their own tools . Chief among them being the Memex.
One needs a place to gather their thoughts, oversee their own development and to ultimately "know thyself." On that note it is probably worth mentioning that the Memex has a lot of parallels and serves similar purposes as a witch's grimoire. As a practitioner myself, it would make sense to integrate my grimoire into a digital memex. Keep records of experiments, results of experiments and take note of omens.
High Level goals
orgamize and interlink my thoughts as well as connect them to both philosophical, spiritual and historical concepts,
display a concept and its context, creating an environment conducive to both logical and intuitive thinking
keep track of the status of
- the mind
- the body
- the spirit
- lunar phase
- zodiac solar and lunar position
- planetary hour
provide recommendations based on the above data on what course of action to take and what to avoid.