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Minco Redhorn

I am Minco Redhorn, a Dillettante and I am known for my Toughness, and I’ve become a Hunter because I left my home to explore the world.


Minco Redhorn (Tough Hero, lvl 2)
Hit Dice / Hit Points 2d10 (20 hp, +2 Con Mod,
+3 Toughness)
Occupation Dillettante
Occ. Skills Gamble, Intimidate
STR 13 (+1)
DEX 15 (+2)
CON 15 (+2)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS 13 (+1)
CHA 13 (+1)
Speed 30 ft.
Defense 12, Flat-Footed 10
Attack Bonus +1
Attacks Silver Knuckles 1d2+1 (+1 Str mod)
Gamble 5
Concentration 5
Intimidate 5
Drive 4
Climb 4
Survival 1
Feats Endurance
Simple Weapons Prof.
Talents Remain Conscious
Wealth Bonus +11
Silver Knuckles
Advantage Token 1
Power Cells (small) 4
Allegiances “To explore the world” +3


Silver Knuckles #

Silver Knuckles : Won in a bet some time ago, in a dusty old saloon against a man who doesn’t look too upset about losing it in a game of cards. Minco remembers the man walking away saying - “It’s your problem now…

: deals an extra 1d4 Holy damage against “Monstrous Humanoids”

Endurance (Feat) #

The character gains a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: hourly Swim checks to avoid becoming fatigued, Constitution checks to continue running, Constitution checks to hold the character’s breath, Constitution checks to avoid damage from starvation or thirst, Fortitude saves to avoid damage from hot or cold environments, and Fortitude saves to resist suffocation or drowning.

Also, the character may sleep in medium or light armor without becoming fatigued.

Toughness (Feat) #

Character gains +3 hit points

Remain Conscious (Talent) #

The Tough hero gains the ability to continue to perform actions when he or she would otherwise be considered unconscious and dying. When the Tough hero’s hit points reach –1, the hero can perform as though he or she were disabled, making either an attack action or a move action every round until the hero reaches –10 hit points (and dies) or the hero’s hit points return to 1 or higher. The hero can choose to succumb to unconsciousness if he or she thinks that doing so might prevent him or her from taking more damage.

Item Stats

Weapon Damage Critical Range Inc Size Purchase DC
Silver Knuckles 1d2 (lethal) 20 Small 14