Butingtaon's Corner

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Session 2

macey opens email from dead mentor, wilhelm plassholdent

minco +1 advantage roll

chloe +4 small batteries

minco won gamble +3 supply

macey download progress 12/14 days

chloe +1 advantage roll

macey download progress 10/14 days

Ritchie Hoffer, owner of the cyborg horse stables

macey gets epcial status “theory of cyberization”

aurum -2 wealth

minco +2 wealth

chloe +3 wealth

aurum fails wisdom save, shaken awake by blacksmith

minco finds aurum near the blacksmith’s

minco finds himself in a streetfight

minco gets humiliated by the blacksmith

minco discovers that silver knuckles is a handguard for a weapon

aurum +1 advantage roll

minco +1 combat-only-advantage

macey download progress 9/14 days

macey nearly got caught,

chloe +4 batteries

minco gets into a barfight and loses

minco -4 HP

minco -1 combat-only-advantage

macey +1 rat-in-a-cage

minco +1 advantage

minco +1 wealth

Ritchie spread rumors about minco

minco +1 HP

chloe +1 free dodge

macey download progress 8/14 days

macey nearly gets caught again

minco asks about his handguard/knuckles

minco startles macey at post office

minco asks macey for help looking for the blade/handguard

chloe mini-arc! Amazing at sneaking in and out, but cannot find access to the basement door

aurum +1 sulfa drug