The SIFT Method
The bad guys speak the loudest
Those with the agenda of keeping the world in its current path of consumption and self-destruction are the same ones with the money and resources to shout over everyone's heads to make themselves heard. You cannot trust what you see on Television and Social Media at face value. Information and information dissemination has been weaponized against us .
I am not saying that there is a shadowy cabal of mustache-twirling individuals running the show behind the scenes keeping everyone dumb. I am saying that it's all out in the open, it's no secret. And we need to protect our minds from the background noise of the next moral panic and the next celebrity scandal to keep our eyes on the things that truly matter, preventing the world's worsening climate crisis and injustices to minorities and society at large.
Be mindful of when you see media that upsets you. Stop whatever you are watching or reading and try to keep yourself calm and collected. Take a deep breath.
[I]nvestigate the source.
Who made this media? Why did they make this? By what methods did they make and present this to you? Who enables and funds them, and what are their agendas?
[F]ind better coverage.
Verify with other coverage on the topic. No need to agree with the consensus on the topic, but being aware of the general understanding around a given topic is good, even if only to see which side of the argument has a bigger PR budget.
[T]race the original.
Look for primary and secondary sources that would confirm or deny the thing you are investigating. Remember that even the truth, when taken out of context, can still mislead. Take steps to ensure to see a quote or piece of media in its original context.