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Termux combines powerful terminal emulation with an extensive Linux package collection ~

There is no denying that, whether we like it or not, the overwhelming majority of consumer computing devices today are smartphones. However, this platform, because of the commoditization of society, has evolved to become one that exploits its users and enlists them in the enrichment of digital landlords as a source of free labor. With this in mind, a solution for those who don’t yet have the ability to flash a new operating system on their handheld (Android) device is Termux.

Termux, being a terminal emulator, brings with it the benefits of everything a text-mode interface has, plus the interactivity of the command line. Although this environment is normally something people think only programmers would use, but some would argue that it’s useful for writers and other knowledge workers outside of software development, too. The most important thing Termux brings to the table, however, is the ability to learn about and help create one’s own computing environment using components they can read and modify the source code of.

In more technical terms, Termux a minimal UNIX environment in a standalone terminal emulator with its own package manager.