Theology of Arithmetic, Introduction - Reading Notes
Starts with Aetius (~1-2 century AD), whose surviving works recorded the ideas of the earliest Greek Philosophers.
Paradox of Number and the Decad, per Pythagoras.
... he says that the nature of Number is the Decad..
... ten is complete at four.
the above refers to the Tetraktys, the geometric symbol formed out of the cummulative sum of the numbers 1 to 4 (1+2+3+4 = 10)
The greeks didn't have a dedicated series of symbols for numbers, so they used letters to represent digits, or more often, dots, which represents pebbles they used to do calculations on a counting table.
It is said that because of this, the common experience of numbers in Greece is as a series of patterns.
Represents bost a minimal oneness and a maximal ten-ness. The amount and depth of
It is very likely that