Butingtaon's Corner

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Starting Over

For the past two years or so, I had been keeping a private Org-Roam database to store my thoughts and notes. Over the past few months, I had been thinking about converting or taking a subset of those notes public, in something like a blog. However, as Org-Roam's development continued and my personal note database grew larger, the more I thought that the effort of updating it to the latest version was too much work to deal with.

Why do I think that? In a perfect world, there would be many, many implementations of Orgmode , and it would simply be a plugin to Emacs, and any other text editor for that matter. But we do not live in that world. Orgmode's syntax, even just a subset of it, is gonna be difficult to reimplement as a portable library. it's gonna be difficult to have full and complete control over. With Org-roam, being built on top of it, making breaking changes, it is beyond me currently. Make no mistake, I'm not complaining about Org-Roam being improved and more features being added to it. This is simply a, temporary, misalignment of goals: I am trying to learn more about computing by following a DIY approach , building my own tools where necessary, while the Org-Roam project is focused on making their product the best Zettelkasten implementation out there. I will very likely come back to the project after the APIs have stabilized a bit.

But for right now, I've settled on making a portable notes/ memex database based on Markdown. I will likely need to write something using either SQlite or some other database system to create a backlinking system. I hope I remember to do that.