Various notes about things I have experienced, things I'm studying and my own personal path.
Personal Posts
Magickal Formulas - IAO and INRI
Looking at the fundamental formulas of the western mystery school.
Trying to reconcile developments in the understanding of energy to understand ourselves and the world we live in.
Aur Ne'erav - "The Pleasant Light" :
A historical and practical introduction to the Kabbalah
currently incomplete English translation. Covers Adam to Abraham.
Sefer ha'Bahir : An early collection of Kabbalistic interpretations of biblical texts.
Misc. Links
The Golem
Here is a translation by Crowley of the I-Ching
The Tao Teh King , a translation of the Daodejing by Aleister Crowley, mostly focusing on syncretizing it with the Qabalah and Thelemic mysticism. For a more down-to-earth but more radical take on the work, look for Le Guin's excellent version.(pdf)
From Wikipedia:
The Taixuanjing is a divinatory text similar to, and inspired by, the I Ching (Yijing). Whereas the I Ching is based on 64 binary hexagrams (sequences of six horizontal lines each of which may be broken or unbroken), the Taixuanjing employs 81 ternary tetragrams (sequences of four lines, each of which may be unbroken, broken once, or broken twice).
Currently can't find an online copy of the Michael Nylan translation.
Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha
Directly download the PDF
A book with a detailed description of the notation: Orchesography by John Weaver
Imagine using something like this to notate the complete footwork needed for a ritual.
India's Oxygen shortage has forced people to sleep under sacred trees.
Envoy Theory 101: How to make friends in interesting times
~~I should prolly copy the text to a file just in case this user~~ ~~deletes their acct.~~ Mirror
Bergson’s account of intuition and his method of intuitive calculus provide us a way of experiencing and describing what is there between the "frames." (Analogous to the space between motion picture frames).
Russian State Media Claims to Discover Militarized Ukrainian Witches
The Kremlin owned news organization RIA Novosti is claiming that its journalists discovered signs of black magic in a village in east Ukraine. The journalists claimed the evidence of magick was found in what it claimed was the headquarters of a Ukrainian military unit. “A satanic seal was found on its wall, evoking associations with Hollywood films about evil spirits,” RIA said in its report.
How the fuck did the Linking sigil exist before the fucking linking sigil???