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Energy Analogs Table

Energy Analogs Table ^note
Function Electrical Energy Mechanical Energy Economic Activity Spiritual Energy
Fundamental Unit Charge (q) Distance (d) Goods (in USD) Change
Motive Influence Voltage (e) Force (F) Demand Will
Flow of Energy Current (i) Velocity (v) Exchange Kaos
Dissipation Resistance (R) Friction (B) Labor Desire
Storage of EnergyCapacitance (q/e)Compliance (d/F) Capital Signification
Inertia to ChangeInductance (L) Mass (M) Population Existence
Control Transformer Lever Arbitrage ???
Power P = e * i P = F * v P = Demand * Exchange P = Will * Kaos

This correspondence table is an attempt to reconcile developments in the human understanding of energy systems (here represented by the columns "Electrical Energy" and "Mechanical Energy") with spiritual practice and to study the control over human needs within the economy by those who do not have the best interests of the majority of humanity in mind .

First we should look at the first row, the one about the "Fundamental Units" of each type of energy. These represent what moves in a given energy system, be it a circuit, a mechanical machine or an economy, or a person's inner world. Goods in this case are whatever products like food, water, shelter, etc, that an individual needs to survive.

The formula to derive electric current is the voltage divided by resistance: i = e / r

If we replace them with their economic analogues, we get: Exchange = Demand / Labor

This might just be some meaningless bullshit in the end, but does this mean that exchange only happens when the products of labor cannot cover the needs of a given community? Makes sense, though.

Let's look at the remaining equations between Current, Voltage and Resistance: e = i * r

Voltage is the product of Current and Resistance.

Doing the same we get: Demand = Exchange * Labor; Labor = Demand / Exchange

As we can see in the above, we can derive the Demand for a certain good or type of goods by how much a community is willing to give for it and how much they are willing to work for it. Or, in a less wholesome scenario, how much a nation is willing to sell and how many bodies they're willing to throw at a problem to make it go away.

A value describing how much of a given term is contained in another term.
Difference in electrical potential between two points. It may be described as "electrical pressure"
The flow of electrical charge in a circuit.
Opposing the flow of electric charge in a circuit by dissipating some of the charge as heat.
It is also important that apart from actual resistors in a circuit, resistance also comes from the "load" that the system supports, the part that does the actual work in a system like heating for a stove, light, etc.
Mechanical Compliance
The springiness of a given material. It achieves force and motion through elastic body deformation.
Using the difference of demand between two markets to realize profits
Operations Research
Employing techniques from other mathematical sciences, such as modeling, statistics, and optimization, operations research arrives at optimal or near-optimal solutions to decision-making problems. ~
In this context, this is the application of mathematical tools and modelling to managing organizations and economies. (ie. modelling an economy as a circuit)

Some examples of measuring economic activity in terms of circuits and other resources.