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The Hierarchy of Needs

In 1943, Abraham Maslow proposed in a 1943 paper that there is a hierarchy of human needs, one where each lower level needs to be fulfilled before moving on with the rest. It looks something like this (lowest first):

  1. Physiological Needs (eg. Food , Water, Warmth and Shelter)
  2. Safety Needs (protection of bodily harm, disease, financial security, etc)
  3. Belonging and Love
  4. Esteem Needs (recognition of skill, worth, etc)
  5. Cognitive Needs (satisfaction of curiosity, search for meaning, etc)
  6. Aesthetic Needs (new and pleasing experiences, beauty, etc)
  7. Self-Actualization (pursuit of, and achievement of, self-imposed goals)

While not perfect, it does give us an alright picture of human needs. It also gives us a clear picture of how these different needs can be exploited and commodified by the powers that be.

One can observe that the needs at the lowest rungs, #1, #2 and #3, represent immediate needs. Lacking in them can spell a great amount of harm, even death in some cases. In the short-term, these tend to be prioritized.

Economies are the societal mechanisms by how the needs of individuals are met, at least for the lower rungs of the hierarchy.

There may be an eighth category, though, depending on your philosophical leanings: